My Business Exit Team

Customer Privacy Policy Notice


Commitment to Your Private Information

My Business Exit Team is wholly owned by Fair Weather Strategies, LLC. Fair Weather Strategies, LLC has a policy of protecting the confidentiality and security of information we collect about our clients. We do not, and will not, share non-public personal information (“Information”) about you with outside third parties without your consent, except for the specific purposes described below. This notice has been provided to you to describe the Information we may gather and the situations under which we may need to share it.

Why We Collect and How We Use Information

We limit the collection and use of Information within our firm to only those individuals associated or employed with us that must have Information to provide financial services to you. Such services include maintaining your accounts, processing transaction requests, and providing advisory services described in our Form ADV.

How We Gather Information

We get most Information directly from you when you provide us with information from any of the following sources:

  • Applications or forms (for example: name, phone numbers, physical and internet addresses, social security number, birth date, assets, income, occupation, financial history and financial goals)
  • Transactional activity in your account (for example: trading history and account balances)
  • Information services and consumer reporting sources (for example: to verify your identity or to assess your credit history)
  • Other sources with your consent (for example: your insurance professional, attorney, or accountant)

How We Protect Information

Our employees and affiliated persons are required to protect the confidentiality of Information and to comply with our stated policies. They may access Information only when there is an acceptable reason to do so, such as to service your account or provide you with financial services. Employees who violate our Privacy Policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment with us. We also maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect Information, which complies with applicable SEC, state, and federal laws.

Sharing Information with Other Companies Permitted Under Law

We do not disclose Information obtained in the course of our practice except as required or permitted under law. Permitted disclosures include, for instance, providing Information to unrelated third parties who need to know such Information in order to assist us with the provision of services to you. Unrelated third parties may include broker/dealers, mutual fund companies, insurance companies, and the custodian with which your assets are held. In such situations, we stress the confidential nature of Information being shared.

Former Customers

Even if we cease to provide you with financial products or services, our Privacy Policy will continue to apply to you and we will continue to treat your non-public information with strict confidentiality.

State law prohibits Fair Weather Strategies, LLC from sharing any of your personal information with a third party without your permission.  You have a right not to permit us to share this information with anyone else.